Truth-Sharing : Observation And Growth

By Brother Initiate Chibang Hsu, Taipei, Formosa

During Master's 1993 world lecture tour, one brother initiate almost became a "non-sleeping general". In the daytime, he had to arrange things like renting lecture halls and distributing advertisements. At night he had to make plans and contacts for the next stop. Sometimes he was not able to have a good night's sleep for half a month. After having survived the trip, he realized that Master had used these experiences to help him break through the limitations of the physical body and that the limit he had to break through was actually the ego that his mind had created. He came to understand that only when one realized that devotion was one's goal in life was one able to attain true peace and happiness.

When Master trains a person, She keeps giving work and setting deadlines until the work is done well. That experience helped the brother initiate to break through various obstacles. He also came to realize that when one has a desire, one has concepts and then one needs to break through the concepts; and when one has no desire, one has no concepts and hence surpasses one's obstacles. This is the so-called "renunciation" referred to by the Buddhists.