Truth-Sharing : Observation And Growth

Narrated By Sister Initiate Lin Liying, Formosa
Recorded By Mountain Wind, Formosa

Sister Lin's group went early to Switzerland to prepare for Master's 1993 lecture. Since she knew English, sister Lin immediately assumed the most important tasks. One of her jobs was to print posters announcing the theme, time, and location of the lecture. Because the Swiss speak French and there were many foreigners in the country, the posters were printed in both French and English. A disciple living in Europe came to Switzerland to assist in finding a printing house.

Due to the tight schedule, the posters had to be finished quickly. After discussing the contents with the printers, sister Lin got into her car, ready to return to her lodgings. Suddenly she realized that she had written the theme of the lecture in English only. She had forgotten the French, and French was the main language spoken there. Sister Lin was about to return to the printing house, but the initiate with her remarked that it would not matter because the brother in charge did not understand French! The printing house was right in front of her and it would have been easy for her to go in and make the correction. But she ignored the strong signals from within. Instead, she did as the other disciple had suggested.

Two days later, the posters were ready. Although the brother in charge did not understand French, he carefully compared the French contents with the English and found that the most important part, the theme in French, was missing. He reprimanded sister Lin severely. Sister Lin felt extremely sorry, not for being scolded, but because it would take another two days to get the posters reprinted. This would affect the lecture schedule. What made her feel worse was her wrong concept. The posters were for tens of thousands of Swiss people, not for the brother in charge. How could she have been so in serving God?

This experience was an enormous lesson for her. She learned to act promptly in her work, and never find loopholes or count on luck, especially with regard to Truth-sharing lectures and the matter of eternal liberation.