Truth-Sharing : Observation And Growth

By Brother Initiate Chuan-Ping Yang, Taipei, Formosa

The members of our team participated in the entire itinerary of the 1993 world lecture tour. Our team had more females than males; therefore, when we met another work team, we looked thinner and more exhausted than did their members. We jokingly said that our team was the Marine Corps while the other team with the chubby members was a consolation delegation.

Master was even more exhausted and had less time to rest. She not only had to bear the hard work physically, but also had to bear the karma of sentient beings. For myself alone, this trip cost several hundred thousand NT dollars. Fortunately, I was a lay person and had been earning a salary so I was able to afford the trip. However, Master did not accept offerings from others and She paid the travel expenses for Herself and for the Quan Yin messengers with the money that She earned from selling Her art work. After the world lecture tour, Master and the disciples were much thinner and so was Master's purse. Thus, it's no wonder that She once jokingly said, "Sentient beings are very expensive!" However, Master and the disciples were filled with joy during the tour because we knew that our efforts benefited all sentient beings.

In Thailand, we witnessed one of Master's many merciful deeds. When She saw a poor pedicab driver, She asked a fellow initiate to lend Her some money to give the driver. The fellow initiate, with a pile of money in his hand, hesitated while considering how much he should give to the driver. But Master quickly grabbed the money and gave it all to him. Master's straightforward and generous spirit in both mind and action truly touched us.