Special Reports

To The Other Shore

By Johanna Hoening, Muenchen, Germany(Originally In German)

I was fortunate enough to be able to participate in the past retreat in Korea and was given a very beautiful experience. Before one of the meditation sessions I had a little time, so I wandered through the tent that displayed Master's designs. I stopped in front of the jewelry just to have a look. I had not the least intention of buying anything. The sister at the stand invited me to try something on. I felt a bit shy and answered that that kind of jewelry was much too elegant for my casual style. She was very friendly and smiling and almost urged me to try on a piece. When I was unable to decide, she simply followed my gaze and took the earrings that I had been looking at out of the case. I let her put them on me as she was so eager. After a look in the mirror, I gave them back and went to the meditation.

While sitting, I was given a glimpse of my True Self. It had left my body and was of an unblemished, radiant beauty. Dressed completely in white, the vision reminded me very much of Master's Quan Yin picture in which She is also portrayed beautifully in white with folded hands. For a moment, I was not sure if I was looking at Master or looking at myself, especially since the face was not clearly recognizable.

My body which I had left behind was like one of those rubber dolls that you often see on children's television programs. Although they are not really alive, they are always talking and are usually moving frantically. At that moment, though, it was like an empty shell and it seemed almost impossible to imagine that the perfect figure of light could be forced back into that ridiculous prison again. As I continued to observe her/myself, something on her right side began to shine and dazzle with incredible intensity, until the vision disappeared.

After meditation, I went happily to the stand to tell how the earrings had had such an effect. As I was standing there, another disciple was trying on a necklace from the same series. The same friendly assistant removed the boat from the necklace and placed it on her blouse, on the right side, to show how it could also be used as a brooch. Now I knew the origin of the divine sparkle in my vision and had a strong feeling that this jewelry was related to me, representing my vehicle to the other shore.

I am so happy and grateful to be able to experience again and again the subtle, creative ways in which Master teaches and brings us to Her, and pray always that in spite of all my weaknesses, She will never stop doing so.

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