Special Reports

A Meditation Hall In Heaven

By Sister Son, Nam-young, Youngdong Center,
Korea (Originally In Korean)

I was initiated three years ago at the age of 65 at the recommendation of a monk's daughter. My meditations were full of experiences from the second day onward. The following are those visions:

On May 7:

During the meditation after lunch, I saw that all the world became a golden color. Buddhas were standing here and there on soft cotton-like places. I could see all of the Buddhas and Buddhist saints that I had seen before in pictures in the temples. I was totally dazzled by the widespread and bright golden waves. I felt like I was in a golden Heaven. After watching all the saints in this golden light, my sick legs were healed more and more so that I could go up to the tent area without much difficulty.

On May 8:

During the first meditation, the Meditation Hall was extended gradually and endlessly. It became as big as the universe and turned into a green color. Then, sunlight started to beam into the hall. It was far brighter than daytime so that I opened my eyes, thinking that the sun already had risen. However, it was totally dark outside. As I closed my eyes again, the Meditation Hall continued to extend more and more. The Hall was so large that even all of the sentient beings in this world could get initiation and meditate together. Later, the whole world became a soft, cotton-like shape again. There was a very soft mountain that was almost covered with young monks standing in a row. They were walking up to get the true Method. Those monks appeared so graceful and soft.

On May 9:

During the first meditation, Heaven became very blue just like the ocean. Wide, white lines formed the juncture between Heaven and the ocean. I felt the angels looking down and protecting us. I looked up for a while until I had a pain that formed in my neck. Then, I was just about to fall backwards, so I opened my eyes. But I closed my eyes again to enjoy the enrapturing scene more. The scene was still there and the protecting power was also still there. I felt that the universe is purified because we are protected by the vivid vibration. After a while, I saw all of the trees around the meditation hall turn into a golden color. The Meditation Hall looked like a playground where we could freely enjoy the blessings of Master.

On May 10:

During the first meditation, all of our fellow initiates wore the hat of middle school students. Everybody was sitting facing Master who was on the stage. At the moment, all of us were students and Master was our teacher. It reminded me of what Master had said, "This world is a good school for us to learn."

I am definitely sure Youngdong Center is Heaven just as it is. Master and the heavenly saints have given us so many precious gifts and blessings. I appreciate Master so much for giving me the power to practice diligently.

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