The only way for us to survive in this world is to love each other, to have peace within ourselves.
~Supreme Master Ching Hai

Love in Action

Reports on Relief Activities for the 911 Disaster in the United States
Loving Concern Amidst a Typhoon Disaste
Elevation of the Soul
Supreme Master Ching Hai Latest Videotapes
Letter between Master and Disciple
*Thank You So Much for Coming into My Life
Teacher's Day Special Report
*The Quan Yin Method-the Perfect Educational System
Master Tells Jokes
*The Dancers Work Too Hard! *Twisted Logic
Early Precaution
Spiritual Cultivation and Life
*Jovial Little Angel
Master Tells A Story
*From Stone to Saint
Pearls of Wisdom
*Be Reconciled with Your Enemy
*Loving Our Enemy is Loving Ourselves *
The Greatest Teacher Is Within *Meditation Is a Kind of Education *A Transcendental School
Aphorisms *Aphorisms
Master Says *Cultivating Ethical Concepts from Childhood
*Every Family Devoted to Spiritual Practice, Everyone a Saintly Person
Helpful Tips
*Home Remedy for Diarrhea *Anti-ant Tip
Natural Insect Repellent
Selected Questions and Answers
*Elevating the Culture of Our Education *The Supreme University *Education Begins with the Family
Story World
*Enlightenment through Grabbing Blessed Food
Master's Movie Corner *Master's Movie Corner
Panorama of Events *Europe *South Africa *USA *Argentina *Hong Kong *Formosa
Vegetarian Restaurants Around the World *Spain *Mexico
Quan Yin WWW Sites *Quan Yin WWW Sites
Our Liaison Practitioners Around the World *Our Liaison Practitioners Around the World
Supreme Art *"The Five Realms"--a New Longevity Lamp *Truth, Virtue and Beauty-Three in One in Hsihu *Happy Yogi World

A Little Message:
In speaking of God, or the Supreme Spirit, we will use original non-sexist
terms to avoid the argument about whether God is a She or a He.
She + He = Hes (as in Mess)
Her + Him = Hirm (as in Firm)
Hers + His = Hiers (as in Beers)
Example: When God wants, Hes makes things happen according to
Hiers will to suit Hirmself.

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News No. 126