Teacher's Day Special Report

The Vital Foundation

Given that national prosperity hinges on the success or failure of the educational system, governments worldwide have devoted tremendous human and financial resources to educational reform. Regrettably, these reforms have focused more on material considerations than on moral education. Governmental authorities have also overlooked the development of humankind's latent powers. As a result, spiritual development, which is vital for children, has not received the attention it deserves. In the West, students complain that teachers treat them like parrots, because good grades are guaranteed only when the teacher's precise words are perfectly memorized.

When the learning process in school becomes a fixed program of receiving, storage, duplication, and feedback, then education degenerates into a monotonous and boring mechanical process. Not only is this method of learning divorced from real life, it also bores children and suppresses the development of their innate talents. Without true happiness and contentment within, children are attracted to external excitement arising from novel changes. When material superiority and utilitarianism prevail in society, and family values and moral concepts are ignored, youth problems emerge one after another.

Scientists have long known that most humans use only a small portion of their brains. Thus, one of the main objectives of education should be to teach students how to fully develop their inborn potential powers. As Supreme Master Ching Hai says, "When we meditate, we come into contact with the innate wisdom that has always existed within us. Once the connection is established, this innate wisdom provides us with much supportive power, awakens the long-forgotten knowledge within, and lets us develop the power or instincts that we have always had."

Master has also said, "Recently a number of university students in Europe and America experimented with common meditation methods that were not very advanced. They didn't even have to be very diligent to achieve some results; they meditated daily for about twenty minutes and had stunning results. A research study on these students showed a dramatic difference in their intelligence, reactions, and memorization power before and after they began meditating. Before they learned to meditate, their reactions were slower, their memory was not as good, and they were less intelligent. The changes were highly noticeable. They now react more quickly, have a better memory, and are highly intelligent. They can learn much faster than before." (Please refer to "Knowledge and Wisdom" in the News No. 110 for the whole article.) This study shows that meditation is very beneficial for learning and the development of potential abilities.


The Most Complete Learning System

The Quan Yin Method is superior to current educational systems. It opens up wisdom instead of cramming in knowledge; it completely develops potential abilities, and does not limit its scope only to vocational training. It nourishes great love for all Creation, instead of stressing only love among humans. Through daily meditation, we can develop the almighty power within us and increase our learning efficiency; by keeping the Five Precepts, we naturally integrate moral codes into daily life, making up for the inadequacy of moral education in existing systems.

In this material world, teaching can only be carried out through worldly language and physical means. However, there are a great many profound mysteries in the universe that can only be realized by entering the superior realms. The Quan Yin Method is an educational method for entering the superior worlds and an educational concept for the whole universe. Through its practice, our astral bodies can rise to higher realms at any time, to learn from the wiser sentient beings and benefit from the teachings of the cosmic teachers. There are no time or spatial constraints for us to receive this intangible education. Just as Supreme Master Ching Hai has said, "God Hirmself will teach you every day. Whenever you have time, you sit down with Hirm, and Hes will teach you. Hes will teach you through the brilliant Light inside; Hes will teach you through the universal language-the Music of heaven. Hes may even teach you in the Scottish language. Hes will teach you through the ancient masters, who will appear to you just like I appear to you right now, in your inner vision. And you may converse with them, or ask them anything you want, and they will teach you everything that you need to know." (Excerpted from Master's lecture in Scotland, June 05, 1999.) The Quan Yin Method-a complete learning system-will benefit us, turn us into enlightened and happy citizens of the universe, and further elevate us into becoming superior and perfect sentient beings.

Lighting up the Heart

The teaching career has always been regarded as noble and sacred. The teachers' persistent and painstaking efforts have fostered innumerable talents for society, which accounts for the world's civilization of today. However, to keep pace with rapid social transformations, teachers now find themselves facing greater trials than ever before. In our Quan Yin family, there are many fellow practitioners in the teaching profession. What concepts and methods do they employ to educate the future pillars of our society? How do their careers benefit from their spiritual practice? Hopefully, their personal experiences discussed below can provide a reference for other workers in the field of education.

Teacher's Day Special Report
* The Quan Yin Method--
the Perfect Educational System
* ~A Happy Career
* ~Unexpected Bonus
* ~Tolerance, Appreciation,
Acceptance, and Concern
* ~Kindling the Light

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News No. 126