The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association
Quan Yin Method

Quan Yin Method
What is Quan Yin Method?
References from different religions
The Benefits of Quan Yin Method
Omnipotent Quan Yin Insurance
Immediate Enlightenment
Experience of enlightenment
Questions & Answers
The Five Precepts
Refrain from taking the life of sentient being (which includes being a vegetarian)
Refrain from speaking what is not true
Refrain from taking what is not yours
Refrain from sexual misconduct
Refrain from the use of intoxicants
Questions & Answers

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Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai in Pingtung Formosa
November 2, 1988 (Originally in Chinese).

We should practice spiritually, otherwise it will be a great pity and we will be pathetic! Even if we become a king or a Brahma (lord) within the first three realms, nobody will save us or make us offerings after we die. We will leave empty-handed. At that time we will feel very frustrated, and lonely without company. Therefore, I feel sorry for those people who do not practice spiritually! Every time I think of them, I cry. Once they fall, it takes unthinkably long periods of time-trillions of years-before they can rise again. It is not that easy. And when they come up here again, they do not necessarily come in human form at once. Even if they do, they may not necessarily be able to hear the name of a Master, or find a Master who can offer them protection, love, care, guidance, and comfort, or hold their hands and pull them higher. It is not easy to find that kind of Master.

Those of us who practice the Quan Yin Method can leave when the time comes, even when we are sick. However, when we leave, we already have insurance and a place that we can depend on. We have the protection of an omnipotent insurance company (audience laughs and applauds). This is the safest way. Those who do not practice the Quan Yin Method leave in a flash. There is not enough time for God and the Saints to come and save them. Their souls do not have a place to depend on.

However, we who practice the Quan Yin Method feel very safe. Even if we fall ill, we need not be anxious. We know that there is no problem. Our souls are calm and peaceful. I do not know how to explain in words why we feel so at peace. Our minds do not know, but our wisdom does. Our souls know. We feel great. Therefore, even if we cannot avoid karmic retribution or fixed karma, we do have insurance. So we have no problem.

For example, when we drive, we know that we may have a traffic accident. Our car may be damaged. Hundreds of thousands of dollars may be gone in a flash, or we may sustain injuries. However, because we have insurance, we dare to drive, even cars worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. When accidents occur, the insurance company will make reimbursements, which are sometimes higher than the costs or losses incurred.

Our omnipotent Quan Yin insurance company is more powerful and beneficial than that! Hence, even if our "vehicle" breaks down, we are not afraid. After a while, we receive full compensation. We have another body, a better instrument, excellent clothing, a better residence, and a better world for us to enjoy. It is not that we have nothing when we lose this world. There is a better world waiting for us. That is why we feel very happy and safe. Our souls know. Inside they surely know.

Hence, it takes trillions of eons before we have a chance to become acquainted with the Quan Yin Method. If we do not cherish this opportunity, even God cannot save us when Hes comes. It is really like this!



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