Panorama Of Events

Report From South Africa

Heartfelt Sincerity

Visitors from different ethnic backgrounds interested in Master's teachings crowd a booth set up by initiates at a Johannesburg athletic meet in South Africa.

In order to share Master's teachings in a most convenient and economical way in the vast land of South Africa, the Johannesburg Center placed advertisements in local Chinese newspapers and English spiritual magazines, for people with affinity who would contact the Center on their own initiative. Over the past two months, the Center has received requests for initiation while large numbers of people have benefited from their knowledge of Master and Her teachings.

The Johannesburg initiates have found that the Quan Yin Method can reach any part of the world through any means if only they set their heart on it. South Africa has a large Chinese expatriate community, and their numbers are on the rise. The Overseas Chinese Women's Association in South Africa held an athletic meet and a bazaar at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg on October 11. Thousands of overseas Chinese attended the activities, crowding the many booths selling food and beverages, jewelry, books, and stationery. Some of the booths had been set up by religious groups and trading companies. This annual activity united the Chinese community into one big family, forming a touching scene.

The Johannesburg Center rented a booth that was just perfect. Initiates placed Master's photographs and publications on display, and played Her videotapes. The booth bustled with activity. Many fellow practitioners and non-initiates came to help and worked diligently, hoping that more sentient beings would long for liberation of the soul with a look at Master or by hearing Her name.

The activity ended on a successful note at 5 p.m. The initiates are now looking forward to the next such event where they can share with even more people the fact that the Quan Yin Method is the ultimate method to liberation.