Panorama Of Events


Report From Finland



Located near the North Pole, Finland is a beautiful haven of attractive lakes and forests, a country with a perfect social security system. In this Scandinavian state, Tuomiokirkko Cathedral has stood for a hundred years in the capital of Helsinki. Its green, dome-shaped roof supported by snow-white, majestic pillars presents a picture of magnificence depicting people's awe of the Heavenly Kingdom. High up in the church's dome-shaped ceiling is a gigantic pipe organ that can deliver enchantingly beautiful musical notes. The pipe organ, huge in size and placed at a lofty height, sends a clear message to the people of the world that they should seek inwardly for the heavenly music. Generations have passed, yet few truly understand the meaning behind the instrument-the quest for the beautiful music within.

Heavenly Music Graces The North Pole

In Helsinki, every one of the local initiates attends group meditation, never missing a session, because they all come from initiate families. Group meditation is most convenient for them, and they derive immense energy and joy from it. It was from their aspirations and earnest participation that made Master's video lecture possible in Helsinki.

As preparations for the lecture got underway, all the initiates happily extended their support to share the Truth with others. From newspaper advertising to the printing of flyers, the initiates received discounts without even having to ask. Many Finnish people had the opportunity to learn about Master's teachings, and were blessed with the message from Heaven. Whether at bus stops, in stores, or on the streets, people received the flyers, always responding with a word of thanks. Their cordiality and courtesy, friendliness and cheerfulness eroded any language barriers that might have existed. After receiving the flyers, some returned to request sample booklets and tell the initiates that they would definitely attend the seminar.

At the local railway station, fellow initiates sat down to meditate after distributing the flyers. The result was fantastic. Despite the hustle and bustle, Master's blessings were showered on them as soon as they sat down. They went into samadhi instantly, and their souls soared high. Not long afterwards, many young people approached them to ask for sample booklets and flyers, and to inquire about the Quan Yin Method.

Many of the people that attended the seminar on September 5, were interested in spiritual practice, or were experienced Truth aspirants. Some jotted down notes while watching the videotape, while others asked if they could keep in touch so that they could learn more about the Quan Yin Method. As the guests were asking spiritual questions, an elderly oriental woman entered the venue. The receptionists could not understand her. They gave her some information and led her to a front seat. When the Quan Yin messenger greeted her with a smile, the elderly woman spoke anxiously in Japanese. She was on a tour of Finland but had gone astray from her group. She was greatly distressed because she could neither speak English nor understand Finnish. All she had was a copy of her tour itinerary printed in Japanese, and somehow she had found her way to the convention hall.

Fortunately for her, the Quan Yin messenger spoke Japanese. When learning that her tour group was about to leave Finland by ship, the messenger immediately requested that an initiate drive her to the harbor. She was told that she could contact the Tokyo Center if she wanted more information about our Path. When they arrived at the ship, the tour group was searching everywhere for her. Her friends exclaimed with joy when she arrived just in time. To express their gratitude, they offered money to the fellow initiate, who refused it smilingly as he bid them farewell.

After the videotaped lecture seminar, the Helsinki Center received many requests for initiation. One such request came from a female artist who had appreciated Master's Art Album at the home of a fellow initiate. She complimented Master's choice of colors that instilled a sense of calmness and tranquility in the viewer. She was moved to tears as she remarked that rarely do people paint in such wonderful colors that bring joy to the people. She also expressed an earnest desire to learn more about Master's teachings.

When photographs of the lecture were developed, fellow initiates noticed in many of them that Master's face was filled with a beautiful transparent, white light. Another inconceivable phenomenon occurred during the showing of the videotape. Spectators saw light radiating from Master's head. No wonder the initiates felt intensely blessed and shared a marvelous experience during the seminar.

On the trip back to Sweden, the Quan Yin messenger and fellow initiates went on deck to practice tai chi chuan and to escape from their suffocating cabins for a while. They were soon joined by a middle-aged Finnish man who was an artist. When he confided that his wife wished to learn meditation, the initiates offered him a sample booklet and told him to contact the Center if he was interested in the meditation method that Master teaches.