Panorama Of Events

Report From Costa Rica

Book Fairs

Attending book fairs to share
Master's teachings

In August and October 1998, initiates from the Costa Rica Center attended two book fairs to share Master's teachings. The first fair was held in Guanacaste. Due to a power failure on the first day, a battery-powered portable stereo was used to play Master's songs and music and the exhibition hall was filled with a joyful atmosphere. More than a thousand children attended the book fair. They loved Master's photos and brought their parents to our booth to obtain sample booklets.

Another book fair was held in San Jose at the end of October. Fellow practitioners distributed many sample books. Many people, who took a great interest in Master, sat down to watch Her videotaped lectures at our booth. Many others requested information about Master's teachings, and quite a number of them asked to learn the Convenient Method of meditation.