Master Tells Jokes

Spoken By Supreme Master Ching Hai, LA, USA March 12, 1994 (Originally In English)

There's a man who took his wife to see the movies. That day was a Sunday and it was very crowded, everyone was queuing to buy the tickets. So he and his wife were also in the queue, sweating. Suddenly, someone just punched him from behind. He was so angry, and already so mad and with his nerves on edge. He said, "Are you serious, man?!" The man that stood behind him was an ex-world champion boxer. So he looked at him and said, "Yes, serious, so what?" The man was small and skinny. He looked back, really looked at him now, studying him, he saw his arm muscles, just bigger than his whole body put together. So, he just kind of smiled and said. "It's all right, I hate people who are not serious.