Panorama of Events
Report from Australia
The Pure Heart Is Nearest to the Tao

[Melbourne] The year 2002 was the first in which Melbourne Center initiates set up a booth at the Natural Therapies Exposition, held during the weekend of November 16 and 17 in Melbourne.

While distributing pamphlets at the Expo, the brothers and sisters noticed the interesting reactions of passersby. Some walked past our booth without looking, others took a quick glance and carried on, while still others stopped to watch Master's video and take a pamphlet.

It was not surprising to us that the most curious onlookers were children. One baby, while being carried in his father's baby-pack, struggled to turn his tiny head to look at Master's video, as his father breezed past our booth. Another little girl, about two years old, came up and handed us the two colorful balls she had been playing with, then turned her attention to Master's sample booklet. She looked up as if to ask, "Can I take it?" "Well, of course! Be our guest," we exclaimed with knowing smiles.

These encounters with children reminded us that, as Quan Yin practitioners, we ought to retain or even rediscover our childlike traits of open-mindedness and innocent enthusiasm. Such qualities help us with our spiritual practice, and our practice in turn helps elevate the world to a higher spiritual level. Thank You, Master, for this wonderful reminder.

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