Panorama of Events
Report from the USA
Unique Experiences at a Spiritual Festival

Photos 1 and 2

[New Jersey] On November 24, 2002, fellow practitioners from New Jersey participated in the Body, Mind and Spirit Fall Festival with the support of the New York Center. The venue was the Conference Center of the Holiday Inn, located at a major traffic junction in northern New Jersey. As a result, many visitors from other states attended. Since the main theme of the Festival was spiritual practice, most guests had some knowledge of or interest in this subject, and responded positively to initiates' presentations of Master's teachings and the Quan Yin Method.

Photo 4
Photo 3

Also, a number of interesting incidents took place at the Festival. For example, some visitors told fellow practitioners that they could feel positive energy emanating from Master's photos at the exhibition booth. The most fascinating guest was a fifteen-month-old girl who ventured into the rear portion of our booth and stood quietly in front of the audiocassette player, listening attentively to Master's divine voice. When her mother eventually found her, the toddler refused to leave, and then held tightly onto a Chinese macrame decorated with Master's photos, gazing at it for a long time. (Photos 1 and 2) Then the girl tried to peel off a flier that was mounted on the booth, perhaps to add to her precious collection at home. (Photo 3) Fellow practitioners promptly handed the child a flier, but she was not content and wanted two, one for her mother and one for herself. Her embarrassed mother apologetically explained that her daughter had never behaved like this before. The little girl quickly opened the flier and said "Hi!" as she looked at Master's photo (Photo 4), making the fellow practitioners smile. She then watched Master's lecture DVD (Photo 5) and left only after she had enjoyed the program for a long while.

Photo 5

Through their participation in the Body, Mind and Spirit Fall Festival, New Jersey initiates had the opportunity to learn and work together and establish contact with other spiritual groups in their area. Having realized that it is indeed very difficult to meet an Enlightened Master and find a true method of practice, they now have even greater faith in the power of the Quan Yin Method.