Panorama of Events


Report from Brazil

Highly Successful
Video Seminars


Chinese and Korean newspapers in Brazil publish news about Master's video seminar.

[Sao Paulo] Most fellow initiates in Sao Paulo have been initiated for over ten years. Because they have developed a deep understanding of Master's teachings, spiritual cultivation and meditation have become the most important parts of their daily lives. Implanted deep in their hearts is the urge to share the Truth in order to benefit sentient beings. Each time Master conducts lecture tours around the world, Brazilian initiates can always be seen on the working teams. Their sincerity and supportive spirit is really touching!

At the seminar, many guests express great interest in spiritual practice, and raise their hands asking to learn meditation.

Recently, a Quan Yin messenger visited Brazil and held five successive video seminars in the cities of Recife, Sao Paulo, Rebelon Bleto, Belem, and Sologaba. Especially noteworthy was the seminar in Sao Paulo. Although it was not easy to get news about the event into the local press, we were most delighted that the local Chinese newspapers prominently featured information on the activity before and after the seminar.A Korean newspaper also carried full-page reports, for three consecutive days, on Master's teachings and the seminar. As a result, many Chinese and Korean friends attended the event. Among them was a monk who immediately asked to receive initiation.

This Truth-sharing tour in Brazil was highly successful. Especially impressive was the spirit of our fellow initiates who, oblivious to the hard toil involved, devoted themselves wholeheartedly to their Truth-sharing mission. Their spiritual growth is truly worth rejoicing over! As Master has said, "It is so delightful to attain enlightenment and liberation through spiritual practice, and even more delightful to help others to embark on spiritual practice." Surely all fellow initiates share the same feeling!


Panorama of Events

* U.S.A.
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* Paraguay
* Brazil
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News No. 124