Open Space



The Great Signs

Foretelling Her Celestial Designs

  The great amount of silver of Diana [the moon] and Mercury [Hermes], The images will be seen in the lake The sculptor looking for new clay, He and his followers will be soaked in gold.
For charitable purposes, Master designs jewelry with symbols of enlightenment: Moon, stars, sun, lotus, children of God, Bird of Paradise,... etc. in silver-white platinum, ...etc. (The color of silver and mercury.)
The lake [Hsihu (Center) means the "West Lake"] reflects thousands of happy faces of fellow Quan Yin practitioners since Master moved there.
Master's new artistic creations: the clay-modeled objects such as the mushroom and turtle, and the painted porcelain...
And Master and disciples, all bedecked in gold ornaments, modeling jewelry of Her design! !

Master and resident monks


Against the red sects religions will conspire, Fire, water, steel, the [ac] cord through peace to weaken, On the point of dying, those who will contrive, Except one who above all the world will ruin.

appeared in red habits (Master designed).

The above lines befit situations that Master and disciples have encountered in several places and countries, through these unpeaceful times our spiritual strength has shone forth, proving that to live in this world, one has to be above it. Recalling past incidents, we should be happy to discover our detachment for all earthy possessions, honors and defamation!

Fire: The burning of our literature and property by fire in the past through religious misunderstanding.
Water (Ink): The defamatory writing against our teachings in the past, again religious misunderstanding.
Steel (Crane): The destroying of our quarters through machine and steel crane in the past.

NostradAMUS - The Great Prophecies
Foretelling the Name of the Master
Foretelling Her Birth and Enlightenment
Foretelling Her Compassion
Foretelling Her Celestial Designs
Foretelling Her Noble Teachings and Worldwide Lectures
Other Sages Also Predict Our Master's Birth