Open Space



The Great Signs

Foretelling Her Compassion

  Upon the middle of the great world - the rose, For new deeds public blood shed: To speak the Truth they will have closed mouths. Then at the time of need the awaited one will come late.

"Rose": Feminine, Female Teacher.

The "Rose" found Herself confronted with a powerful world while trying to speak for the well-being of isolated (closed month) refugees in camps around the world. (Some of them shed their own blood to voice their painfully oppressed situation.)

Master intervened on behalf of Her people in refugee camps after learning of their sorrow!

Many people will want to come to terms With the great world leaders who will bring war upon them: The political leaders will not want to hear anything of their message, Alas! If God does not send peace to the Earth
Thousands of people gathered to pray for the cause of the refugees; millions signed a document of support to send to the world leaders, but very few wanted to hear. It was feared that this agonizing energy of a suffering mass would cause havoc if God did not bless the world with peace!
  They will come to put a just man to wrongful death. In public [he is] extinguished in their midst: So great a pestilence will come to arise in this place, That the judges will be coerced to flee.
The desperate refugees killed themselves in full view of the world!
Great pestilence will arrive in turn.
So even the judges must flee the place (Hong Kong's change of governing body) and the leaders had to leave...
  Mendosus (opposite power) will soon come to his exalted reign Putting behind a little the Norlaris (historic event): The pale red one, the male in the interregman, The apprehensive youth and barbaric terror.
Soon after that, new officials will govern this place.(Hong Kong) Past events and people are forgotten: The distressed One (Master), clothed in red (color of Buddhist monk's robe), the transit leader, and even the oppressive, tear-provoking scenes (people driven back to the country from which they had fled.)

NostradAMUS - The Great Prophecies
Foretelling the Name of the Master
Foretelling Her Birth and Enlightenment
Foretelling Her Compassion
Foretelling Her Celestial Designs
Foretelling Her Noble Teachings and Worldwide Lectures
Other Sages Also Predict Our Master's Birth