Love In Action
Report From Kaohsiung, Formosa

Merged As One In Master's Love

By Kaoping News Group, Formosa
Fellow initiates bring Master's love to the Kaohsiung juvenile rehabilitation center.
On an autumn afternoon, the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association held a love and care activity called the "Love Feast" at a juvenile rehabilitation center in Yenchao rural township in Kaosiung County. This activity was jointly organized by Tainan and Kaohsiung fellow initiates for those aged 12 to 18 who had strayed from the right path. During their two-hour visit to the rehabilitation center, the initiates introduced Master's teachings and meditation practice in addition to presenting dance and musical performances. The wife of an initiate who had once lost himself on the wrong path like these young people, shared memories of his past suffering, repentance, and discovery of a new direction in life. She also discussed how her meeting with Master had changed her and her husband, both within and without.

At the end of the program, many young people eagerly asked to learn the Convenient Method. The smiles that lit up their faces when they received Master's blessed food warmed the hearts of the initiates. This journey of love ended with the song "The Lambs Have to Go Home."


By Sister Initiate Hung Shuhui, Kaohsiung

I was honored to be able to join this visit to the juvenile rehabilitation center. When the activity ended with us singing "The Lambs Have to Go Home" on stage, my eyes became wet with tears as we watched the center's teenagers leave one by one.

I can find no words to describe how fortunate we practitioners (sheep and lambs) are. My heart cannot hide my earnest thanks for our Master Mommy. Thinking back, we too were once a flock of lost sheep, weren't we? Now, we have found our way Home. We have found protection in the embrace of Master Mommy's love. I sincerely hope that all the lost sheep in the world will be as fortunate as we practitioners.

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