Center's Event

By Kaoping News Group, Formosa

Several years ago, fellow practitioners planted jackfruit trees in the parking lot of Laiyi Center. As time passed, the trees grew and bore fruit. Now, one can see seven or eight jackfruits, each weighing some 24 kg, growing on each tree.

A fellow practitioner who helped with the project disclosed that the trees were planted according to Master's instructions during Her short stay in Laiyi Center. The decision to grow jackfruit trees along the driveway of the parking lot was made by the work team after consideration of a number of factors. Considerations included whether the branches of the trees would bend too low, causing damage to cars and making parking inconvenient, whether the trees would require longterm care, and whether they would yield an economic return. Today, three years later, the harvest has been truly encouraging. Fellow practitioners have found that the same type of trees grown in other places have not flourished as well as those in Laiyi Center.


The Right Concept The Jackfruits Of Laiyi Center