Reflections On Spiritual Practice



By Brother Initiate Lu Ren, California, USA

In a book written by an electronics expert who once participated in the US Star Wars program, the author discussed his findings in his studies on several fallen UFOs (Unidentified Flying Object). According to him, UFOs do not look very big from the outside, but after entering them, one might spend twenty minutes walking without reaching the opposite end (due to a conversion of time and space). Unlike an aircraft cockpit with dashboards and maneuvering devices, the UFOs have only a few seats, surrounded by walls which themselves serve as jumbo TV monitors. There are no complex integrated circuits, only large crystal blocks. The whole UFO is controlled by the electromagnetic thought waves of the aliens. In my opinion, if the aliens had wandering minds and evil thoughts like human beings, their UFOs would have gone berserk like disco or break-dancing.

Although these aliens that visited the Earth by UFO were closer to the material form and level of human consciousness, having lower vibration frequencies than many other alien races, they were already advanced to a degree that would appear incredible to the human race. How much more so would be the higher alien beings like the saints and enlightened Masters?

When I look up at the sky at night, there are innumerable stars on the canopy. If we human beings remain complacent about our own civilization and intelligence in this closed system of thinking and scientific development, we will probably remain limited in our outlook and be excluded from the galactic federation, similar to a frog living at the bottom of a well.