Master Tells Stories

Spoken By Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hsihu, Formosa
February 20, 1996 (Originally In English)

There was a hermit. He had only books in his house, a cushion to meditate on, a sleeping bag to cover in winter, a Quan Yin cloth, a loving hat and an initiation ID card. So actually it sounds like he had a lot, but when you count, you know, he had absolutely nothing. And poetry and MTV -- "I'll Forever Love You," something like that. Nothing else. No chair, no bed, no table, no kitchen, just very few necessary for living things.

There was a passer-by who came in and visited him. Seeing his room was all bare of necessities, he asked him, "How do you live like this? Where is your furniture?"

So the Quan Yin practitioner, the disciple of the Supreme Master Ching Hai Tze asked the guest, "Where is yours?"

So the guest said, "But I'm only a visitor here."

The Quan Yin practitioner said, "Me too!"

We are all visitors on this planet. We're all passers-by. We're all tourists in this wonderland; and one day we'll all have to go Home. No one can stay forever, and everyone knows that. Including myself, I think I'll live forever. We all have this illusionary dream about eternity. In fact, the body cannot endure eternity because it is made of perishable materials. One day it will perish. But life continues forever, doesn't matter where and how. So make sure we remember this; or else after we die, we will find out too late.

It's not late for you because you already know the secret of eternal life. Without this secret no one can ever walk over the threshold of life and death and be free. That is the wisdom since ancient times. No one can change that. Just like clouds, no one can change them. Just like water, it's the way it is, no one can change it.

So there is the law of crossing birth and death, that is the Quan Yin Method. If we don't know that, too bad, no one can help us. That is the only secret and the most important secret that every being should know. But sadly most beings don't know. That is why the world is suffering like it is and has continued so since time immemorial. That is why the Master, the messenger of the Truth of God will always have to come here again and again, in order to suffer with them, then to lift them back to where they should belong, and lead them back to their House, to their original place where they can be safe and happy forever.