Master's Wonders

Narrated By Brother Initiate Lee Sheng-Shiong, Taipei, Formosa
Recorded By Brother Initiate Chen Wen-Shen, Taipei, Formosa

One day, brother Lee accompanied his wife, who was not yet an initiate, back to her family home for a visit. The sister's family had a peach tree that was a couple of decades old. The trunk of the tree was as thick as two arm lengths.

On this day, when his friends and relatives were chatting under the tree, brother Lee looked up and saw that there was an abundant of big, ripe, juicy peaches. In his excitement, he exclaimed: "I'm going to climb up the tree and pick the wonderful peaches for everyone to eat."

When they heard that, they laughed and said: "Don't waste your time. Those peaches are inedible. They're full of worms. We are even thinking about cutting the tree down!" When brother Lee heard that he said: "How is that possible? These peaches are so big and beautiful. How could they have worms?" He was thinking if the old tree were to be cut down, we would be disregarding the good-will of the heavens. So despite the teasing and taunting of his friends and relatives, he climbed up and picked the peaches.

He depended solely on his faith in Master's Power. Every time he picked a peach, he sincerely asked for Master's blessing. After a short while, there was a whole basket full of peaches. Having washed them, he bit into one with a swooshing sound. All his friends couldn't wait to see what the peach was like. How surprised they were: "How is that possible? No worms!" "I don't believe it!" So several of them took some peaches from the basket and tasted them too. The swooshing sound of biting into peaches abounded, but every one of them said with emotion: "There are worms in this peach."

When brother Lee saw that, he said: "I don't believe it. The one I had had no worms." So he recited the Holy Names and took some peaches for them to try again. The incredible thing was, this time all the peaches that they ate had no worms.

All his friends and relatives felt suspicious and asked: "Did you arrange the peaches beforehand?" Brother Lee felt puzzled and said: "How is that possible! All the peaches in the basket look alike. And didn't you say that the peaches had worms inside?" When they thought about it, it was indeed true! So they asked brother Lee to hand them the rest of the peaches to eat. After they were all finished, they even asked him to pick another basket. They all enjoyed the fresh and wonderful taste of the peaches.

Using this opportunity, brother Lee described to everyone there all the benefits he has physically and mentally gained after being initiated by Master. After this incident, everyone gradually came to accept Master and ate less meat. Even after a year had passed, brother Lee's relatives excitedly told him that the peaches from the tree were still sweet, juicy and delicious.

Master has told us that "Everything is created by our minds." We can control our negative perceptions and change our immediate atmosphere by always thinking about positive things, looking at good things, and doing good things. Brother Lee said sincerely: "Our Master is truly a great enlightened Master. Everything She says is based in the universal Truth."

If we keep our faith, continue steadily on the path, one day, our own "tree" will bear fruit. Just like the peach tree, after being blessed by an enlightened Master, it produces wonderful fruit, beautiful inside and out.