You May Not Know

Obesity A New Virus

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hsihu Center, Formosa.
June 10, 1995 (Originally in English)

Obesity is even transmitted and contaminates through the air. There is a Swiss doctor called Heinrich something. One day, he tried to isolate a gene and find the virus for Aids disease. And then accidentally, he tumbled on the virus which would make people fat.

Some people, they eat very little; but they get fat all the time. And some people they eat a lot and just remain like a toothpick. That doctor, he happened to find that fat people are affected by this virus not by their food. Therefore a lot of people go on a diet, do exercises, do all kinds of things, and they're still fat. So people think they're cheating, they don't eat properly, or they eat behind the closet or something. (Audience laughs.) It is not true. He found that this virus just collects fat or even makes more fat, and then stores it forever. Normally the fat if it is too much, needs to be thrown into the blood stream and then go out by different means. But this virus it keeps the fat in one place, stores it together, especially here (Master points to Her belly), perhaps behind (buttocks) or somewhere; and then keeps it there for good, locks it there. Therefore the people go on a diet, do all kinds of things, and they always stay fat.

Perhaps they already have found some solution for it. They hope to openly mass-produce these things then the fat people will have good news, will have their figures back again. And the worse thing about it is that if you go near fat people, you will get fat. That's what I've read in the report.

I think the best proof for us is the Quan Yin meditation. If we meditate more, then we "proof" ourselves, fat-proof, skinny-proof, water-proof, fire-proof. Otherwise this world is terrible. Anything contaminates you, even fat. Can't believe it.

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