

Praising You

- Mother Of The Universe

By Fellow Initiate Lei, Mainland China

I search through the garden of vocabulary,
I surf upon the ocean of melody,
Gathering all the blossoms of human language
To Praising You - Mother Of The Universe

All the beautiful melodies of the world
Cannot sing of Your immense love.
All the intellect of humankind
Has yet to marvel at the subtlety of Your wisdom.
All the love in this world
Is but a droplet in Your ocean of love.
All the most exquisite things in the entire universe
Fail to express even remnants of Your compassion, wisdom and power.

Offering You a song without words.
Merging with You, heart-to-heart, while meditating,
I pray to grow up quickly
And join You
In blessing this world together.

So Long, New York Praising You - Mother Of The Universe From The Heart