
So Long, New York

By Fellow Initiate Zeng, Minnesota, U.S.A.
(Originally In English)

So Long, New York
A land fully blessed by God and
adored by angels in heaven and on earth.

So long, my homely land!
For it is where I met my beloved,
for whom I have waited for thousands of years,
incarnation after incarnation.

So long, New York!
Your name, "The Big Apple,"
shall ever be so sweet on my lips,
for my adored Master has set Her divine lotus feet
in the middle of your heart.

So Long, New York
I have left you with my love and blessing,
for it was where I saw with my physical eyes
the glory and wonder of my great Master.

My dear Master,
Who is much sweeter
than the sweetest,
closer to me than I to myself,
left you a tremendous treasure:
wisdom, compassion, beauty, and love,
which will certainly last you forever,
even to the end of the world.

Oh, look at that piece of your mountain,
I see it's hiding my Master's kiss!
Look at the clouds and the wind over your houses, hills, and rivers.
I hear you giggling merrily!

Oh, New York, why do you look so innocent,
as if nothing has happened?
Look at the sunshine over you.
It's full of my Master's blessing;
for it's brighter, sweeter, and more gentle than before.

Listen! Heavenly music arises.
Heaven has opened its golden door!
I hear the heavenly beings celebrating and rejoicing!
Prosperity, peace, and harmony, New York - what you are always seeking-
has been poured down in the middle of your heart from heaven.
It will last you forever!

So long and farewell, New York!
Like yours, my sins are all forgiven,
and the burden of my guilt is taken away.
I am reborn in my Master's river of life.
I am made whole, complete, and perfect, in my Master's ocean of love!

P.S. This fellow initiate saw Master for the first time when she went to New York to enjoy the S.M Celestial Fashion Show.

So Long, New York Praising You - Mother Of The Universe From The Heart