Front Line

Persist In The Translation Work,
No Matter How Busy We Are!

By Fellow Initiate Zheng, Taipei, Formosa

Ever since initiation, it has always been my wish to join the translation work.Under Master's incredible arrangement, I was assigned the translation liaison job. At that time, I still had to get familiarized with members of the translation group, translation format, and subtitle dubbing. Without Master's visible and invisible guidance, I could hardly accomplish this work assigned by God.

Most fellow practitioners with good language skills are very busy with their jobs. However, impelled by their wholehearted willingness to sacrifice, they persist in their translation efforts despite their busy schedules.

I remember once trying to contact a fellow sister on the phone, her relative told me this fellow sister was very busy at work, and had to care for the children after work. When everything at home had been settled, it would be at least past ten p.m. She would then do the translation work until midnight....

Sometimes, I encounter some 'manager' fellow practitioners, who often 'instruct' and 'criticize' more than participate. However, after having joined the work for some time, they change from within. They become humbler, wiser, and even do their worldly jobs better.

Master said, "The more we work, the more we grow." Working with people of various personalities, and facing all kinds of problems, I have grown too! Realizing my own shortcomings, and rectifying them bit by bit each day, I am closer to Master now! Having continuous experiences, my ego has gradually bent under Master's love and painstaking efforts.

The production of videotapes is a twenty-four hour non-stop process. The release of a videotape, from editing, transcription, translation, proofreading, typing, to the final dubbing of the subtitles, all consist of the greatest efforts by the members of the translation group. Their hope is for everyone to share and enjoy Master's brilliant lecture as soon as possible.

The world is full of talented people, but what good are they if their talents are only for showing off and not for contributing? Only when our ego is diminished, our perception of the world will expand, and our talents can be more fully utilized.

Master has given me the chance to witness the changes and improvements in these fellow initiates, so that I also benefit from observing these good examples on my spiritual path.

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Persist In The Translation Work, No Matter How Busy We Are