Selected Questions and Answers

Activate Your Almighty Power
and Enjoy Heavenly Bliss on Earth

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Singapore,
April 26, 1997 (Originally in English) DVD #603

Q: How can we overcome distracting thoughts during meditation?

M: Whenever an interfering thought comes up during meditation, as soon as you remember it, just forget it again. Forget the thought and continue with the Holy Names.

We have to practice; everything requires practice. Because near the center of our brain is a spot that’s actually the center of all intelligence and all happiness and all bliss. If we get in touch with that center through our willingness of thought, it will activate everything.

Just pray about it every time. Before you meditate, if it’s too difficult for you, pray briefly and just say, “Master, please appear. Help! I want to know You.” Pray to your Master inside, not Master Ching Hai. Because we all have that spot; we all have the invisible Master within us. That’s our true Self, awakened by our sincere effort and loving thoughts. We want to know ourselves so much; we want to be better; we want to be God-like; we want to be of noble quality. We do want that so we can pray, “Please help me recognize the Master.” You can call it the Self, Master, Buddha or God; whatever you want to call it is fine. But call upon that power, call upon your Self, the original Home of all souls and then it will come.

Do not forget to pray, but only pray for a short while; do not become attached to it and sit there and pray all night long! Because our purpose is not to pray to anyone; it is to recognize our Self. But if we’re too weak, we should just pray for our Self to come out. Really, it does help. So whenever necessary, just pray to the Self and then concentrate again.

There is a little spot inside our brain that contains everything in the universe, and there’s nothing it can’t do and nothing it can’t know. It’s a very precious place that everyone has. God gives it to us, everyone alike, so we just have to call on it and remember it every day. And then we can live a happier life in this world, and of course we’ll live the happiest life after we leave this world. This is just to have an extra Heaven while we’re here.

Otherwise, Heaven is waiting for you—for those who are sincere, the ones who don’t care for material existence; so don’t worry. If you just keep the Precepts and try your best, Heaven is waiting for you whether or not you often experience the things we should experience. If we do experience them, it’s better for us. We feel recharged afterwards. It’s like a small electric current that runs through a wire; you just feel warm. You feel that you don’t want anything in this world anymore; you just feel contented within yourself.