Pearls of Wisdom

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hsihu,
Formosa, April 10, 1992 (Originally in English)

The more we develop this world, the more Heavens there will be. We will create a new Heaven. It is just like when we go to a very deserted land with no water or trees, and we begin to dig wells, and we plant trees, vegetables, etc. We make a useless wasteland become a fertile, green, beautiful place. Then we create a new park, a new garden or new living quarters that otherwise had not been there. It did not exist before we came. And from a lousy place, with all kinds of shrubs and thorny bushes growing all over, we make living quarters, a small paradise.

That's how we better the world. Similarly, we will do it on a greater or larger scale. As we move along spiritually, we will move along in helping the world, in beautifying the environment and helping with the poor and the needy. We have to help the whole world, not only one nation. And that is our vision of the future.


Pearls of Wisdom

* The Way to Rejuvenation
* Vegetarianism and Environmental Protection
* A Grand Vision
* Purify Yourself, and Benefit the World

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News No. 123