Story World

Master Warms the Heart

of a Semi-Victim

By sister initiate Yang Su-xiang, Nantou, Formosa

I was planning to leave for Florida on September 22 to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with Master. Unexpectedly, in the early morning of September 21, my world turned upside down when I found myself in the area most devastated by the Formosan earthquake - the Yuchi mountain region. Amid pitch darkness and absolute silence, I could hear rocks tumbling down the hills and trees falling in landslides every now and then. I felt helpless and frustrated. I had never imagined that disasters could come as suddenly as a flash of lightning, and I had not yet seen Master! Immediately, I understood that the real meaning of "ephemerality" was being "too late"!

Having waited through this longest night of my life, early next morning, some local people and I gathered all the spades and tools that we could find and tried to clear a way to the outside world. With great effort, we managed to clear the nearby mountain path, but the water, power supplies and communication systems had been cut off. We had the sinking feeling of being trapped in the middle of nowhere.

"All right," I thought, "let me take a rest first!" In my sleep, I vaguely heard the sound of a motorbike. A fellow brother had come a long way from Chunghsing New Village to Yuchi and Puli to convey Master's concern and instructions for disaster relief. When I heard the word "Master", hot tears rolled down my cheeks and my heart came alive again. Later, during the days of working with the relief team, no matter how exhausted I felt, as soon as I remembered the message: "Master instructed us to devote all our efforts to disaster relief!" I would become revitalized. Disregarding how rough the road was or how deep the night, I did not tarry, afraid that I would cause a delay in the relief operations. My fatigue was gone, replaced by a heart filled with warmth. I could distinctly feel that Master was right inside me, and I was only a tool. All I want to say is: "It is really wonderful to feel that I am one with Master!"

During the relief operation, one incident truly touched my heart. It was nine o'clock on the evening of the earthquake. A man who had been listening to a local radio broadcast went out alone to purchase relief materials such as water, bread, and disposable eating utensils, and drove from Chiayi to Puli to deliver them. It was a long journey and the roads were rough. His enthusiasm and self-sacrificing spirit really touched me. I guided him to where the victims had gathered so that he could distribute the provisions. Looking embarrassed, an elderly woman asked me: "Do you have vegetarian bread? I am a vegetarian." Her question shook me like a reminder: "God takes care of everything". There I was, holding vegetarian bread in my hands! The woman did not have a single word of complaint, keeping her moral conduct high even in times of disaster. Could she be anyone else but a saint?

Master Warms the Heart of a Semi-Victim The Immovable Cabinets
An Extraordinary Night
A Miracle of "Skipping a House"
Thanks to Master's Protective Vibrations!