Panorama of Events

Report from Canada

See God While Living
through the Ancient Supreme Method of Meditation

A recent seminar featuring Master's video lecture in London, Ontario, Canada

[London, Ontario] Inspired by Master's European Lecture Tour, The Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association London Center held both English and Chinese seminars entitled "See God While Living through the Ancient Supreme Method of Meditation". Initiates distributed posters and flyers, covering the whole city. Large posters featuring Master's picture were posted on most of London, Ontario's main streets. Convenient Method practitioners also actively took part in the work. One person volunteered to distribute posters and flyers in five nearby cities that he passed through on his way to work. Another person who is a staff member at the local university contacted campus newspapers to print an advertisement. Besides announcing the event in major newspapers, and on TV and radio stations, initiates also broadcast the news on a free cable TV program, "Speaker's Corner".

On the day of the seminar, many initiates and Convenient Method practitioners came to help. Despite their tiredness, some came right after work. One lady, a Convenient Method practitioner in her 80's with physical difficulties, took two buses to get to the venue. Before it began, initiates and Convenient Method practitioners set up the seminar venue and cooperated well in conducting registration, food preparation and reception activities. During the question and answer session, the Convenient Method practitioners discussed how they felt after becoming vegetarians, and how vegetarianism is not as difficult as they expected, adding that they felt very good after pursuing this diet. All of those who learned the Convenient Method after the seminar have been regularly attending weekly group meditation and have expressed feeling a very strong blessing power during group meditation; they are now preparing for initiation into the Quan Yin Method.

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