Panorama of Events


Report from Argentina

Sharing Master's Love on "Children's Day"

[Buenos Aires] In order to bring help and love in Master's name, fellow practitioners in Buenos Aires decided to celebrate "Children's Day" at the San Pedro nursery school.

The day before the event, we delivered bags and boxes full of children's and adults' clothing and pediatric medicines. The headmistress said that she was worried about the weather because the staff had been preparing many outdoor games for the children. Fortunately, due to Master's blessing, the next morning was cool and sunny. Fellow practitioners prepared a delicious vegetarian lunch and various egg-free cakes. Their priest and the founder of the home thanked us for Master's work. After a happy time of laughter, balloons and games, everyone left with a smile and hope in their hearts.

Video-Seminar in Buenos Aires

On September 11, a video-seminar was presented to introduce Master and the Quan Yin Method to the people of Buenos Aires. The event was held at the "Centro Cultural San Martin", a well-known and prestigious venue. In an interview by the radio station "Contacto," we were afforded the opportunity to speak about the benefits of the Five Precepts and of being a Quan Yin practitioner. The program host devoted thirty minutes of her program to Master's teachings and Her remarkable humanitarian works. On the day of the event, practitioners and their relatives all worked together in a harmonious and loving atmosphere. Three excerpts from Master's videotapes were specially chosen for the occasion.

After the tape presentations, the audience was encouraged to ask questions. Meanwhile, vegetarian food and drinks were served and greatly enjoyed by all. The visitors, delightfully surprised by the hospitality they received, came to realize it was a reflection of Master's love and the way She cares for everyone. The lecture was a great success; many whose sensitive hearts were touched by Master's sweet words requested to learn the Convenient Method.

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