Panorama of Events


Korean Kimchi Attracts Attention

Report from Korea
Korean fellow initiate won the
'Kimchi' festival contest.

[Kwang-ju] 'Kimchi' is a staple for Korean people, and well-known throughout the world. Unfortunately, most kimchi contain animal ingredients. In 1998, the 5th 'Kimchi' Festival was held in Kwang-ju, Korea. Hoi-yim Lee, a sister initiate of Kwang-ju Center, presented her own vegetarian version, which she had invented. A lot of people paid attention to this special 'kimchi' and she won the contest. Through this event, she had the opportunity to show how to make this healthy dish in a vegetarian way, and explained to everyone why the vegetarian diet is so important to human beings.

Ordinary 'kimchi' has salted fish in it, but sister initiate Lee uses only vegetables to make it. The KBS (Korean Broadcasting System) was especially interested and invited her to participate in one of their live broadcasts the next morning. It was televised all over the country, allowing the public to see the many advantages of vegetarian 'kimchi'.

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