Panorama of Events

At the suggestion of many spiritual aspirants in Puerto Rico who were enthusiastic about Master's teachings, a video conference was planned. The venue was arranged. Posters and flyers were printed, and were distributed along with hundreds of sample booklets throughout San Juan. Two free live radio interviews helped to promote the conference.

Those who attended were enchanted by Master's good-natured humor and the simple purity of Her teachings. The audience laughed, clapped, and cheered. After the video, one woman was so touched that she shared her happiness of finding this Method with the audience. Another woman claimed she saw a brilliant light enveloping the Quan Yin messenger as he explained the Quan Yin Method. One man admitted that he had only come because of curiosity, but was totally impressed by Master's love. Because most of those who came were already vegetarians, almost half requested full initiation into the Quan Yin Method, whereas another quarter requested to learn the Convenient Method of meditation. After the conference was over, the people lingered, basking in Master's love.

Those who have been longing for the Truth have finally found the home for their
souls to return.


Chile Mexico Puerto Rico South Africa Finland Czech
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