
BIG5台港 飛航區
清海無上師世界會素食屋 介紹素食的優點、烹飪法、食譜。
國際素食協會 致力在世界各地推行素食主義。
七彩生活派 素食名人、素食的好處、素食指南、美食之旅。
台北素食天地 豐富的台北餐廳資訊。


琉璃光養生世界雜誌 以『世界就是我們活動的教室』為理念,結合東西方的養生之道的雜誌。
蔡老師素食 Big-5碼。網路訂餐服務、生機飲食



香港素食學會 LIMIT的素廚坊
地球人協會 小粽台南佳里素食
香港素食學會 Hong Kong Vegetarian Society 本站位於香港,並連結其它素食網頁。
This is a vegetarian society in Hong Kong,  also links to other veggie websites.



紫金蓮 素食論談、心靈vs科學小品。
素食補給站 有素食年菜、好書、食譜、餐廳資訊。
新人類天空 素食的好處、素食名人、健康地素食、素食的陷阱。
天廚妙供 食譜、香港餐廳、飲食指南 。
中國素菜 中國站Big-5碼。站中有24道素食食譜。
徐岱老先生談健康素食 中國指南素食菜譜

人為何要素食 動物權利手冊
素食者之家 健康文章、大陸素食書籍。
大陸素食者俱樂部 素食討論區
綠色餐桌 請永遠記得愛與和平^_^
花香徑素食理論 下載 蓮池海會素食園地
北京綠色天食餐廳 動物解放
  1. 素食者主耶穌
  2. 全心素食專賣店 ——美國素食產品代理,可上網代訂素食品!
  3. Agenda Magazi
  4. Anarchista提供簡易,低脂肪的素食食譜
    Anarchista's vegetarian    Anarchista's original, low fat, healthy vegan recipes    (vegan) recipes
  5. Animal Rights Resource Site
  6. Animal Rights - - Human Rights - Environmental Protection For The New Millennium
  7. Earthcare Hong Kong 港地球仁協會介紹,服務項目,刊物,生態及動植物保育組織及素食
    About EarthCare's objectives, aims and policies, and also talk about vegetarianism and veganism.
  9. Envirolink這個網站是提倡環保保護動物權利防止污染 Animal Rights Resource Site
  10. European Vegetarian Union The truly european veggie page歐洲素食網站。
  11. Food For Life
  12. Hong Kong Vegan Society香港完全素食學會。包括素食、營養、動物權利、環境保護及香港餐館的資料。完全素食者是一類嚴格執行素食習慣的素食者,除了不進食肉類之外,更不會進食及使用一些從動物而來的產品或副產品,例如,蛋類、乳制品、蜂蜜、皮具、絲和一些利用動物測試的化 妝品。(有英法中日文版本)
    You'll find information on veganism and vegetarianism in Hong Kong. So whether you're a vegan, thinking of becoming one, interested in localvegan/vegetarian restaurants, please read on(The website have English, Japanese,Chinese,Franch Version)
  13. Healthy eating starts with LEASA這是專門生產以豆腐為主的工廠,還有目宿芽以豆腐為主做成其它素食,像沙拉呀,有食譜
     LEASA Industries Co. is one of the largest growers of bean and alfalfa sprouts and one of the largest manufacturers of tofu in the state of Florida.  Provides recipes. 
  14. How to become a FRUITARIAN推廣素食的網頁,有一大篇企圖說服您吃素的文章(該HTML檔超過100K),內容中很少圖片,結結實實的向您砸了約10,000字的內容,光是下載就要花費不少時間。 
  15. I.D.E.A. - In the Defense of Earth and Animals
  16. Jewish Vegetarians Of North America
  17. McSpotlight : Beyond McD's
  18. New Zealand Vegetarian Society
  19. Newveg
  20. North American Vegetarian Society
  21. Northern Vegetarian Society
  22. Organic Trade and Information Center 有機食品資資訊。
  23. 0ttawa Vegetarian Society
  24. People For Tive Ethical Treatment Of Animals
  25. Physician's Committee For Responsible Medicine
  26. Plamil Foods Ltd 生產公司,以大豆來製成取代乳製品像美奶茲,也是大豆提煉,無蛋的這些都可以在網上購買,此家在英國,上一家在佛羅里達州,美國。
    Plamil provides a choice of alternatives to milk. 
  27. Protect Our Earth Treasures (P.O.E.T.)
  28. Schweiz. Vereinig Fuer Vegetarismus
  29. Steve's World of Vegan/Vegetarian Links
  30. Supreme Master Ching Hai Vegetarian House COOL!!
  31. Toronto Vegetarian Association The Toronto Vegetarian Association is a member of the Vegetarian Union of North America (VUNA), whose mission is to promote a strong, effective, cooperative vegetarian movement throughout North America. Their aim is to further vegetarianism worldwide by promoting knowledge of vegetarianism as a means of advancing the spiritual, moral, mental, physical and economic well-being of humankind
  32. United Kingdom Vegetarian Society
  33. Vancouver Island Vegetarian Association
  34. Vegaaniliitto
  35. Vegan Action 此站位於加州,為非營利機構,主旨在提倡素食讓人們了解素食對人類的健康及生活品質的幫助並提供食譜及書籍,還兼售便宜的ㄒ恤是個多元化素食網站。
    Vegan Action is a nonprofit, tax-exempt educational membership organization. Their  mission is to enhance public awareness about the many benefits of a vegan diet and  lifestyle, and to work to improve the availability of vegan foods. veggie cookbooks and 100% organic cotton shirts for sale on line.
  36. Vegan Awakening
  37. Vegan Certification Project
  38. Vegan Pages
  39. Vegan.com這是個有關素食的書籍網站,內容包羅萬象
    vegan.com  is a website offering veggie resource and also a bookstore on line.
  40. Vegan Street完全素食街
    This website provides information of vegan and vegetarian diet, recipes and vegetarian restaurants all over the world,  they're also building a network of vegetarian and animal rights groups from all over the world.
  41. 教您如何料理素食Everything about how to cook vegetarian meals.
  42. Vegetarian Pages此網頁專門提供最新有關素食者各式各樣的消息: 餐廳書籍報章雜誌等...有全球素食餐館查詢。
    The Vegetarian Pages is intended to be an independent, definitive Internet guide for vegetarians, vegans and others. The Vegetarian Pages hosts many valuable resources too!
  43. 提倡素食,有食譜及連結相關網站,素食產品介紹 。
    Promoting ways of living which avoid the use of animal products for the benefit of people, animals and the environment. Also providing recipe and introductions of veggie products,  links to other relative to veggie diet.
  44. Vegetarian Society Of South Africa
  45. Vegetarian Society Of The District Of Columbia
  46. Vegetarian Society Of Western Australia
  47. Vegetarian Times
  48. Vegetarlan Vnion Of North America
  49. Vegetarian Union Of North America News
  50. Vegetarische Initiative
  51. Veggiepower
  52. Veggies Unite!
  53. VegSocUK The Vegetarian Society is working towards its vision of.. 'a future where the vegetarian diet is acknowledged as the norm..'  VegSocUK is a member of: 
    The International Vegetarian Union and The European Vegetarian Union 
  54. Vegsource本站提供最新的健康飲食資訊並鼓勵人們以植物為根本飲食, 提供24小時網上討論看板,線上聊天方式,及透過電子郵件來幫助你把所了解的關鍵性資訊實踐於你每日生活中。
    The mission of VegSource is to offer the most up to date health and diet information possible, and to encourage the many good reasons

     for a plant-based diet. This website also provide 24-hour-a-day support via discussion boards, live chats, and e-mail to help you implement the critical information you learn into your  everyday routine. 
  55. VRG 美國的素食組織
    Vegetarian Resource Group (USA)   We have vegetarian and vegan recipes,  vegetarian and vegan nutrition information,  vegetarian and vegan cookbooks, Vegetarian Journal excerpts,  vegetarian travel information  and even a Vegetarian Game. Enjoy!
  56. 英國素食協會 提供最新有關素食者各式各樣的消息: 餐廳,書籍,報章雜誌等(有全球食餐館查詢喔)。
  57. 國際素食協會IVU創立於1908年,主旨在於倡導素食理念,素食有助於人類身心靈的健康亦有經濟上的效益,各國素食菜譜, 不可錯過的有趣網站。
  58. Eat Veg~有食譜和文章~
  59. Veggie Source有書籍介紹和超過五千個好康的食譜!!好站連結,國際素食討論區,旅行.......
  60. Vegetarian Central購物&旅行,營養&健康,故事&新聞,出版品,食譜,素食的諮詢。
  61. "素"的鞋子英國站, 專賣假皮,鞋子。滿酷的!
  62. World Animal Net Directory 全世界最大的動物保護資料庫
  63. Happy Cow's Global Guide餐廳和健康食物的故事
  64. Sunfood Vegetarian Way of Life Living in Harmony with Nature - raw food info
  65. vegetarian.about.com資料豐富^_^
  66. VegIreland 飲食與生活方式
  67. Vegetarianstvi Czech (also in English)
  68. VegRussia.org 俄羅斯素食組織
  69. Regional Veg Network 地區討論
  70. VegEats!全世界連結的餐廳資訊
  71. Mundo Vegetariano 資料豐富^_^
  72. Vegetarian Resource Group 營養VS旅行,食譜&書籍介紹,素食雜誌精華,特別的Game!!祝您玩的愉快:)
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