Spreading the Green Message to Save Our Plane
  Japan By Tokyo News Group (Originally in Japanese)

[Tokyo] In order to spread the SOS global warming message to all the Japanese people, fellow initiates from the Tokyo Center have been distributing SOS flyers every weekend. By March 16, Golden Year 5 (2008), we had already made five distribution trips covering the Mount Fuji area, which includes Hakone, Shizuoka City, Namazu, Gotemba, Odawara, Oiso, Saitama, Omiya, Yoshino Baigo (a village famous for its plum tree parks) in Ome City and Kairakuen Park in Mito. In addition to handing out the flyers, we also placed them in mailboxes.

In Hakone, we prepared some special flyers printed in Chinese and English for foreign tourists. And to our delight, a tour group from China asked for a huge stack of the flyers to take home as gifts. Most of the people gladly accepted the materials and read them carefully.

The fellow initiates in Japan will continue to disseminate the life-saving SOS message to remind people to quickly switch to a green, vegetarian lifestyle in order to reverse the global warming crisis.