By Brother Luwellyn Maestro Punahele, Hawaii, USA (Originally In English)
Story World


In retrospect, the year of 1993 was definitely a very significant year. I call it "the year that God sounded Hiers trumpet to call all of Hiers sheep back home". At the time, I had no clue of who the Supreme Master Ching Hai was, or anything about a Spiritual World Tour. Earlier that same year I saw Her on a public program on television in Hawaii, and was captivated by Her simplicity and profound explanations of things spiritual, physical, scientific, psychological, et cetera.

Above all, there was a definite and humble knowingness that She emitted throughout the lecture of, "I've been there, done that, and I'm speaking from my own direct experience". She was so convincing without trying to be clever, and Her answers to questions were never the same. Truth seemed to just pour forth through not only Her words, but from Her very being. Her natural and lighthearted sense of humor endeared me to feel like a close friend without my having met Her in person. Something within my own being opened up and drank in the whole wonderful experience.

Up until then, I had been doing different meditations, and reading tons of metaphysical and spiritual literature. My inner experiences were usually through dreams or feelings. I had been collecting bits of information that I would describe as building a bridge to God. But after just one hour of watching this Master's lecture, She confirmed a lot of what I felt was true. She also cleared some of my misconceptions, and filled in a lot of missing gaps in my understanding of what "Truth" really was. At the end of the lecture, I remember saying to myself, "I wish I could meet this incredible Being." As the credits rolled up the television screen, I saw that the address was based in "Formosa," to which I replied "forget it!"

Four months later, I was working and living in Los Angeles, California. I went to a "Whole Life Expo" in Pasadena, at that time, and ran into the booth of the Supreme Master Ching Hai. The disciples were very kind and gave me a free video. They inquired as to whether I would like to learn the Convenient Method, which I declined, as I opted for the full initiation. They told me that I was in luck, that Master would be in Anaheim, to give initiation personally, a week later. They also told me that I had to become a complete vegetarian from then on, which for some strange reason I had no problem with.

My favorite part of the lecture was the question and answer section. This is where a true God-realized person really shines. I tried to think of a question, but nothing significant came forth, so I just listened. Like a Master sculptor She shaped every answer in accordance to the sincerity of the questioners. One need only watch and listen to experience this great artistry at work.

After the lecture we adjourned to another smaller hall for the initiation. I was still too excited and full of my acquired expectations and preconceived ideas to relax. Consequently, I was somewhat disappointed about not having the experiences that I expected, I told myself to have faith and try the meditation for a time to see if maybe I was doing something wrong.

Many of the older initiates were very supportive, and gave a lot of encouragement. Just then I was handed two bags of popcorn. I had not eaten much and was so surprised to be given something to eat. I ate about 75% of one bag when someone stopped me and said, "Brother, this is blessed popcorn, and you eat one or two when you need some extra blessing to help with your meditation. I was embarrassed, but saved the rest, and drove home.

That night I had the most vivid and clear vision that I had ever experienced up to that point in my life. I would like to say that it was due to my diligence, but I know it was from the blessed popcorn.

So on April 3, 1993, my life just started.


The Joy Of Being Initiated How I Found God And Became Truly Rich
A Fresh Beginning Thoughts Started By An Alarm Clock
Days Filled With Energy From The Initiation Miracle Of The Health Index