Panorama Of Events

Report From Texas, U.S.A.

The 1998 Austin Whole Life Expo

[Austin] Disciples from all over Texas participated in the 1998 Whole Life Expo in Austin. There were thousands of people representing all kinds of spiritual backgrounds and endeavors. As the sample booklets and News magazines were being distributed to the visitors, the initiates were very surprised to discover that many of them had heard of Master already and had even seen Her lectures which have been frequently broadcasted on the public television station. One man said that watching Master's videos on TV is one of his favorite things to do. Another man said, "She is so true it is not even funny." Consequently, many of those sincere truth-seekers took this good opportunity to request the initiation.

The Texas initiates also promoted Master's teachings on vegetarianism by providing lots of vegetarian food for the public. There were people standing in a long line just for a taste, and the initiates couldn't cook fast enough to meet the demand. Then, one of the organizers of the Expo said how much she loved our food and how it made her feel so good, and it drew even more people to our booth.

On the last day, the disciples stayed at the Expo until almost all the other booths had closed. A man who was walking out the door ran back and asked for a sample booklet. It was the very last one, as if they had been counted in advance. Everyone went home feeling closer to Master after doing Her work, and knowing that She had reached everyone who was ready.