The Real One

By A Quan Yin Messenger

On January, 1998 in Liaoning, I met a family whose members were all initiates except for the father, who was in his fifties. Although he had great faith in Master, he wanted to wait another two years until he retired. No matter how the family tried, they could not persuade him to become an initiate.

One day, for some unknown reason I asked the family to bring the father for initiation as soon as possible. The family members told him about it immediately. Incidentally, on the night before that, the father had dreamed of a Quan Yin messenger coming to visit him. The Quan Yin messenger was very beautiful and radiant with light. Eager to find out if the Quan Yin messenger then in Liaoning was the one he saw in his dream, the father rushed to the initiation site on his bicycle. After he met the messenger, he left with satisfaction though it was too late to receive initiation that day. However, he was happily initiated not long after that.

The "Wonderful" Experience Of Having "No" Experience! The Real One The Third Eye Of The Quan Yin Messenger