Pearls Of Wisdom


A New Enlightened Age

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Costa Rica
June 8, 1989 (Originally in English)

God truly gave only comfort. If at this moment Hes gives us some sorrow, it is to remind us of the ephemeral nature, to remind us that we have to get back into the safety of the fortress, of the Kingdom of God. Anytime we forget God again, Hes will remind us. Hes will remind us in a gentle way first, and then after, if we do not listen to this gentle advice, then Hes may push a little harder until Hes pushes very hard. So if we are not pushed so hard by God, then please don't wait until Hes pushes us too hard; and if Hes already has pushed us so hard, then please quickly go back into the Kingdom of God, and enjoy all the comforts Hes offers inside.

Spoken By Supreme Master Ching Hai, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
March 28, 1993 (Originally In English)

If we enter the new enlightened age or not, it's up to you to decide. It's not up to me or anyone to say. If we are all enlightened or many of us are enlightened, we will enter a new enlightened age. Otherwise, it doesn't matter who predicts what and who decides what age we are in, what is the use? We are still living in darkness.

Sow Good Seeds Seek The Kingdom Of God First The Spirit Of Sharing
A Spaceship In The Universal Body Bearers Of Light A New Enlightened Age
Purify The World With A Holy Meditative Vibration