Love In Action

The "Peaceful Drum Dance" presented by Kaohsiung initiates

A bazaar featuring over a hundred booths was recently held at Tashe Park in Chiayi County to raise funds for the construction of the Tzu Chi Talin Hospital. This time the Yunlin - Chiayi Center also participated in the activity sponsored by the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Association.

Work was divided among local fellow practitioners as usual. An announcement was aired in a radio program produced by initiates for regular broadcasting on the Choshui River Radio Station. Widespread enthusiasm among fellow initiates ensured that the preparations were complete before the bazaar opened. The simple yet elegant setting, graced by a photo of the merciful Master, transformed the booth into the likes of a majestic ashram. However, perspiration streamed down the backs of the initiates working in the stifling heat under the canvas top stretched over the booth. Finding no comfort in the warm air set into motion by the electric fans, the participants wished for air conditioning. But how could this be possible in a booth at a bazaar? Finally, the initiates purchased two huge blocks of ice and placed them in front of the fans. The warm air cooled into air conditioning. We were so proud that our "wisdom eye" had opened somewhat.

The bazaar took on a festive mood with performances organized by its sponsors. At the invitation of the Chiayi-Yunlin Center, Kaohsiung initiates from southern Formosa presented the "Peaceful Drum Dance." They immediately became the focus of attention when they appeared in dazzling costumes. Their lively dance and rhythmic steps brought the show to a climatic peak within minutes.


Receipt from the Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Association for the NT$20,000 contribution from initiates.

Among visitors to our booth was a member of the Tzu Chi Association who came to discuss issues about life with initiates. The self-confident and happy looks of the initiates convinced her that there was something worth exploring here. She expressed the hope of visiting Hsihu Center and that this activity would remind people to be concerned not only about physical ailments but also the eternal liberation of their souls. However, even though brother Ni of Kaohsiung was in the last stages of stomach cancer, he defeated death with the meditative power of the Quan Yin Method and gained greater enlightenment and wisdom in the process. His example tells us that the supreme Method is the one that brings both physical and spiritual benefits.

Yunlin and Chiayi initiates participate in a bazaar to offer some services to the world.