Master's Wonders

By Fellow Initiate Song, Mainland China

This is a true story of what happened in my family.

My nephew was married on October 19, 1997. For one whole week, during the time he was preparing for his wedding, he suffered from a persistent fever of more than 39.5 degrees Celsius. No medication, Western or Chinese, could help him. The wedding was approaching and he still had not found a cure for his illness. All his relatives and friends had been invited to the wedding, reservations had been made for the banquet, and it was too late to make any changes. Perplexed by this strange mishap, he called me on the telephone to tell me what was happening.

"Auntie," he said, "I have had a fever for a whole week and it just won't go away. On the first night that I was ill, I dreamed of an adult and a child in a small cart heading straight for my doorway. Strangely, the iron fence surrounding the house could not stop the cart; it just drove in. Ever since then, each night in my sleep I see an adult and a child lingering by my bedside with their faces turned away from me. This has gone on for several nights with the exception of the night that I invited you to my house. Tonight, father (my younger brother, who had passed away a year ago) told me in my dream to go and find the Quan Yin Bodhisattva. I thought he wanted the ceramic statue of the Quan Yin in my house, but I couldn't find it. 'You are really dumb!' Father said to me with a smile before he left."

I explained to him that it was karma from his previous life, and I told him to take Master's Buddha Chanting tape and a sample booklet home with him. Anxious to find a remedy, he respectfully took the items home and bowed to Master's photo three times. The next day, he called again to tell me of a strange occurrence. The night before, in his dream, he had seen a master wearing the radiant clothes of the Quan Yin Bodhisattva, and She looked exactly like the Supreme Master Ching Hai. Coming with Master was a Dragon Guardian God plus the adult and the child he had seen in his earlier dreams. The adult happened to be a young woman, and she complained to Master: "He brutally killed me and the child in the past." Then they seemed to be engaged in a discussion, after which they all disappeared.

Since that night, he has had no more nightmares, and his fever subsided the day before the wedding. Strangely enough, on his wedding day, he looked perfectly normal and as if he had never been ill. I know very well that Master has shouldered his karma and suffered for him. This is another verification of Master's statement that, by being initiated, one helps one's ancestors, descendants, relatives, and friends.

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