Master's Wonders

By Sister Initiate Li Yuhan, Taipei, Formosa

One of my neighbors likes to come to our home and watch Master's videotaped lectures and listen to Her teachings. During a visit one day, she suddenly told me, "Your son can get married now!" I replied that the time had not come, but she suggested that we enquire about it at a community temple of the Mother Goddess who was known to always answer prayers. The temple accepts symbolic charges and donations are welcome. I was not very convinced at the time. Days later, on the way to group meditation, I brought this matter up with my husband, also an initiate, who thought it might be worth a try.

In the videotaped lecture that was shown before group meditation that evening, Master said, "When we practice the Quan Yin Method, everything becomes very clear. We should not be superstitious, but some of you do not have enough faith. You seek out a medium, worship the Earth deity, and pray to local gods. You have an 'Earth Goddess' right here, yet you go worship the Earth god."

I was astonished! Master is with us every moment! We should absorb and put into action Master's teachings in order to make us more strong and stable and not to disappoint Master. Otherwise, we can not even pass the smallest test.

On our way home that evening, I asked my husband whether he had heard what Master said. He replied, "Yes! Master's words make us contemplate. She heard everything we said on our way here. It is just too miraculous, too mystical!"

The Sincere Will Be Blessed With Master's Guidance Master Heard Us!
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