While On The Path


Voyage Through The Universe

By Sister Initiate Liao Si-mei, Taipei, Formosa

I remember that agonizing moment in the abyss of life,
When by God's grace,
I met You, Master Ching Hai.
Sublimated instantly,
An unmistakable feeling of boundlessness,
free of cares and worries,
Immerses me in the ocean of love.
With my faith in You,
My phobias about this world have I overcome;
In worldly life,
You have given me many chances to learn and grow;
How wonderful is the feeling of spiritual evolution. Yet, in the battle with the mundane world,
There are torments and agonies.
Believing that I can reach the Source by struggling upstream,
I practice diligently,
Overcoming obstacles and bottlenecks
On my way uphill.
Exalted at my spiritual elevation,
Never have I become sluggish. Always have I reminded myself,
Ephemeral is this deluding world;
Only when ultimate liberation have I attained,
A blissful voyage in the universe can I enjoy.