Master Tells Stories

Spoken By Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Hsihu, Formosa, October 15, 1990 (Originally In Chinese)


An east Indian person who truly believed in God treated everyone like God; even cats and dogs were God to him. One day, a dog stole the chapatis that he had baked and put aside. He quickly chased after the dog with a pot of butter in his hands, saying, "Oh God, please wait, I have not put the butter on the chapatis. It won't be tasty if you eat it that way." His profound belief in the almighty power made him see God in all beings.

One day Maya came to get him. He was afraid that this man might surpass his position with his strong belief in God, so he tried to harm him. The man was fetching water from a well when Maya appeared and tried to throw him in. However, upon seeing the two horns on Maya's head, his black face and mouth so big and red, with two protruding teeth, (Master shows the protruding teeth), the Indian man said with a smile, "Oh, my dearest God, my Buddha, let me humble myself before your infinite merit. How blessed am I to be able to see you in person." After that he sang an ode, "God is the highest and the prettiest, with teeth this long, (Master is singing this) (laughter, applause) , complexion so dark, a mouth so huge, horns so big and nails so pointed. Hes doesn't even need to wear clothes. I really want to take Hirm home, to offer Hirm a set of beautiful clothes, and feed Hirm milk and chapatis." As he sang, he danced and prostrated. Stunned by his naivete, Maya didn't know what to do with him. He could only laugh and say, "All right, all right! You win!"

Thus, we must preserve our purity of mind at all times to live a happy life.

Who Is Who? A Pure Heart Sees Maya As God