Supreme Art







By Fellow Initiate Song,
Beijing, Mainland China


I am most fortunate to have acquired a print of the "Open Heart" painted by Supreme Master Ching Hai. When fellow initiates first delivered it to my house, a very strong magnetic field permeated the room. Several fellow initiates present at the time had the soothing experience of feeling their hearts open up and then close.

Since then, visitors to my home - whether they be initiates, initiates-to-be or non-spiritual practitioners - all have perceived different changes in the painting. Some were dazzled by very intense white or yellow light radiating from it; some beheld Master dressed in a white robe looking like the Quan Yin Bodhisattva; some saw the painting rotate like the wheel of dharma; some perceived many saints meditating in the picture; and others saw the moon and many other extraordinary visions.