Letter Between Master & Disciple

By Sister Initiate Sheila Jaster, California, U.S.A. (Originally In English)

Dear Master,

My spiritual roots were first formed in Alcoholics Anonymous. I was taught "Don't drink and keep coming back." I like keeping it simple.

The formula now is "Don't think and keep coming to the Center." I have been told that "fast" in the Bible refers more to thought than to physical food. Your Grace Meditates me.

I have been taught that friends remain while keeping Your freedom intact.

No matter what mental, emotional or physical condition is being imposed on me, whether real or imagined, my privileged duty is to meditate, attend the Center, and keep my vows.

At this point in my development, I need my human family and treasure deeply all of Master's practitioners and disciples. When I enter our San Francisco Center, I feel as though I am walking into Your heart. When I see a brother or sister and never see them again, I feel as though I am losing a part of my body.

I have experienced and been a witness to inertia and world mind. Through Your Grace and Protection, Master, I will hear and listen to my Master's voice and not to the voice of the servant of sin.

I long for Your perfect correction, as it is a part of the flower of Your love.

When I think of You -- I remember -- In the Presence of God ... "Silence."
I will be still now.

Your nothingness in Allness,
