Master's Wonders  

I was wearing the Celestial Jewelry "Muni Pearl" while taking care of my ailing father. At midnight, he suddenly woke up and said to me, "You have a diamond." Delighted, I asked him, "Do you want to see it?" He said no. It was the first time that I wore the Muni Pearl and I had never told anyone that I had it, yet strangely my father sensed it.

Several hours before my father's demise, he told me, "I am leaving. I will go east. Help me put on my hat." He shielded his eyes with one hand while looking at the other hand, as if there was intense light before him. (However, the sun had not yet come up.) When dawn came, he asked his children to leave his bedside and go do their own work. He told us not to be afraid and asked us to sit him up. (He had been bedridden since he fell ill over a month ago.) A few minutes later, my younger brothers and sisters noticed something unusual about him; he had not requested to lie down. They took a closer look and found that he had gone with a smile on his face. He died sitting.

I knew that father had definitely gone with Master, which was why he could leave in such peace. Master has said that the spiritual practice of one person could elevate the souls of his five generations. And I have truly experienced it.

Story Of The Muni Pearl Heart To Heart Guidance By Master