Children's Letters

Narrated By Little Initiate Tina Do (8 years old), Toronto, Canada.
Transcribed By Brother Initiate William Hunt, Toronto, Canada

Hi. My name is Tina. I am eight years old. I am going to tell you about my dream. I saw heaven.

Once, at our meditation center, when we were finished meditating, a very, very old man came and said, "We must reincarnate." So the very, very old man used his power and pointed to the ground. Then a very, very big hole was made. All of the meditating people jumped in. We waited in the hole for many days to be reborn. When all was finished, I came out into a new place.

I noticed that I was in a place with the biggest bridge in the world. We all had big white wings, bigger than a coffee table. Some people had wings as big as a room. Then I saw that my brother was only three years old. I didn't like it, so I used my power to change him to eight years old. I noticed that I, myself, was five years old, so I used my power again to change myself to seven years old. I flew around, but I didn't see my mom. Then I saw her. Later I flew to her. The next day, a friend from school suddenly appeared and we went to a carnival. It was time to go home. I flew all the way up to heaven.

On the clouds were many chairs made out of gold, silver, pearls, diamonds and precious things. The chairs were arranged like a welcome party that Master Ching Hai made for us. I saw my name on one of the chairs. Besides my earthly name, I also saw my heavenly name and many people's names on the chairs. I didn't see anyone there, so I flew down to look for my family. While I was flying down, I saw "Toy Story" flying in space, but I didn't care, so I kept on flying down. I saw my mom. I flew to her. Then I heard the Contact Person of our meditation center say that we must go to our real Home, heaven, so we did.

"Toy Story" is a full-length animated movie produced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures.


Lovely Hsihu County Dear Master, I Am Six Years Old,
The Cage Bird In The Picture Is Me
Tina's Dream