Media Reports

Vegetarisch Fit -- Magazine fuer bewusstes Essen & Leben, October 1997 (Originally In German)

The world grieves for Princess Diana. Many people will remember her not only as a devoted advocate for AIDS patients, suffering children and war victims, but also as a representative of international animal rights organizations. "Her low key efforts to benefit animals reach far beyond the initiative of her former father-in-law, Prince Philip," (who in modern times was the first member of the British Royal House to take a stand against the killing of leopards for fur), according to Silke Berentahl of the animal rights group PeTA.

Designers fashioning for Princess Diana knew that she would have nothing to do with fur, even as trim for a garment. Diana was a vegetarian and was responsible for memorable banquets such as the extensive 17 course vegetarian feast prepared during her first trip to the United States in honor of the British Embassy's visit. Princess Diana also raised the Royal Family's ire by refusing to participate in hunting. It went against her deepest convictions to harm or kill animals.

The offices of PeTA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) in England, Germany, Holland and the United States will plant English rosebushes as a tribute to Diana. Not only did she radiate physical beauty, Diana's awareness of the respectful treatment of all creatures made her true, inner beauty apparent, according to animal lovers throughout the world.