Pearls Of Wisdom  

Because we are in this world, we have to abide by the rules of the game, no matter who we are. There are no exceptions for anyone. Since this world is the game of maya, any master who comes here has to abide by the rules of the game, or else he is not allowed to come here, to be a master or anything. That's why it makes things difficult. Well, every game is difficult -- football, baseball, basketball -- they all have their rules. You have to know the rules in order to play correctly; if not, they'll kick you out, no matter who you are.

Sometimes you don't understand. You keep asking me or any teacher, "Why, if you have so much power, don't you change the world?" Why should I change the world? If I change it, it's no fun anymore; if I change it, there's no struggle for people; if I change it, there's no yearning, no effort made to meet their own greatness, to discover their own mastership. You have to struggle. A professor in the university is not allowed to take the exam for his own son. The son has to learn from ABC and has to use his own effort. The professor can only guide him but cannot learn by heart the lessons for the son, cannot take the exam, cannot pass the exam for him. It's not allowed. It's not good for the son also, even if it were allowed. What for? Why would you take the exam for the son? You'd be the first in the class for the son and he'd still remain stupid, not knowing anything, couldn't even read and write.

So the wisdom is yours, mastership is yours. You have to discover, you have to struggle, you have to learn and you have to want it. I don't change anything. God doesn't want to change anything because Hes has free will, and allows everyone to have free will. So the master or anyone in a position of power also has to understand this. Every master understands this.